«MS State of the Art Symposium» 2024

Premier congrès scientifique sur la SEP en Suisse. L’événement annuel s’adresse aux neurologues, spécialistes, chercheurs et professionnels paramédicaux.

The 26th «MS State of the Art Symposium» on 27 January 2024 was a great success! We thank the speakers, programme committee, and partners for their much appreciated contribution and all participants for joining us at the most important MS Symposium in Switzerland.

MS State of the Art Symposium 2024

«Treatment Algorithms and Deescalation»

Saturday, 27 January, 2024 | KKL Luzern


On 27 January 2024, the 26th «MS State of the Art Symposium» of the Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Society took place in Lucerne. In addition to presentations on topics such as pregnancy and MS, the latest projection on the incidence of the disease in Switzerland was also presented at the event.

Impressions of the 2024 Symposium

Programme Committee

Sandra Bigi, Luzern | Adam Czaplinski, Zurich | Britta Engelhardt, Bern | Jens Kuhle, Basel | Caroline Pot, Lausanne

General Information

Swiss MS Society and its Medico Scientific Advisory Board

Saturday, January 27, 2024
09.30 – 16.00h

KKL Luzern
Europaplatz 1, CH-6005 Lucerne

Public transport
The symposium venue is right next to the SBB trainstation.

Safety measures
If necessary, safety measures will be published here. The symposium may be carried out virtually due to official orders or other urgent reasons.

ECTS Credits

The Swiss Neurological Society awards 6.0 credit points.

Contacts - Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Society

Regula Muralt
Regula Muralt
Responsable du département Communication & Fundraising
Christoph Stamm
Christoph Stamm
Philanthropie & fondations
Luana Pellegrini
Luana Pellegrini
Event Management & Sponsoring Administration


We thank the following companies for their support:

News MS State of the Art Symposium 2024

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