Vivo con la SM

ERROR: Content Element with uid "8738" and type "smsg_boxlink" has no rendering definition!

ERROR: Content Element with uid "2189" and type "smsg_boxlink" has no rendering definition!

ERROR: Content Element with uid "2190" and type "smsg_boxlink" has no rendering definition!

ERROR: Content Element with uid "8156" and type "smsg_salesforcenewsletter" has no rendering definition!

ERROR: Content Element with uid "8159" and type "smsg_salesforcenewsletter" has no rendering definition!

ERROR: Content Element with uid "3750" and type "smsg_landingpagesbox" has no rendering definition!

ERROR: Content Element with uid "2182" and type "smsg_boxyellow" has no rendering definition!

ERROR: Content Element with uid "2183" and type "smsg_wrapper" has no rendering definition!

ERROR: Content Element with uid "2214" and type "smsg_grid66" has no rendering definition!

Momenti informativi e manifestazioni

Volete avere maggiori informazioni sui vari aspetti della malattia e sulla convivenza con la SM? La Società SM offre un programma molto vasto di manifestazioni, che tiene conto delle diverse esigenze dei vari gruppi target e durante le quali potrete ricevere nuovi input, provare nuove esperienze o rilassarvi.


ERROR: Content Element with uid "2210" and type "smsg_grid12" has no rendering definition!

ERROR: Content Element with uid "2207" and type "smsg_grid444" has no rendering definition!

Sollievo e vacanze

Avete bisogno di una piccola pausa?Qui trovate le nostre offerte di sollievo e relax per grandi e piccoli.


Gruppi regionali

Nei nostri Gruppi regionali potrete conoscere altre persone con SM, confrontarvi e riunirvi per gite e uscite insieme.



Rivolgetevi a noi! Potete contattare i nostri consulenti all’ Infoline SM:
091 922 61 10


Cosa offriamo

Avete bisogno di supporto, informazioni o un confronto? Siete nel posto giusto. La Società SM offre numerose e svariate iniziative per il sostegno e lo sgravio delle persone coinvolte dalla SM in tutta la Svizzera. Dalle consulenze sociali e psicologiche alle manifestazioni e ai soggiorni di gruppo, l’offerta è rivolta a persone con SM, parenti, specialisti, volontari e persone interessate.

ERROR: Content Element with uid "2191" and type "smsg_grid444" has no rendering definition!

ERROR: Content Element with uid "2196" and type "smsg_grid444" has no rendering definition!

ERROR: Content Element with uid "2193" and type "smsg_boxlink" has no rendering definition!

ERROR: Content Element with uid "2194" and type "smsg_boxlink" has no rendering definition!

ERROR: Content Element with uid "2195" and type "smsg_boxlink" has no rendering definition!

ERROR: Content Element with uid "2198" and type "smsg_wrapper" has no rendering definition!

ERROR: Content Element with uid "2200" and type "smsg_wrapper" has no rendering definition!

ERROR: Content Element with uid "2208" and type "smsg_wrapper" has no rendering definition!

ERROR: Content Element with uid "2211" and type "smsg_wrapper" has no rendering definition!

ERROR: Content Element with uid "2215" and type "smsg_wrapper" has no rendering definition!